Juniper Hetzi Columnar

Juniper Hetzi Columnar

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Latin Name: Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris'

Height: 10 - 15 feet

Spread: 4 - 6 feet

Sunlight: Full Sun; Part Sun; Part Shade

Hardiness Zone: 4-9


Hetzi Columnar Juniper gives just that: a column of dense, tight branches in a crisp, bright green color. This evergreen foliage and habit makes it a great option for screening as well as using for specimens and focal points. When older, these junipers will have round, green berry-like cones that mature to a blue-black. Once established, these junipers are drought tolerant. They also require little pruning over their lifetime unless they are being shaped into topiary forms.

Attracts: Birds

Other Names: Green Column Juniper