Latin Name: Tsuga canadensis
Height: 40 - 70 feet
Spread: 30 - 40 feet
Sunlight: Part Sun; Part Shade; Full Shade
Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Description:Eastern Hemlock is a native evergreen with short needles, each averaging under an inch in length. These dark green needles with two white bands on the undersides are found in flat sprays, giving a lacy appearance. New needles emerge a yellow-green to bright green color. The lower branches will often dip towards the ground. Small pendant like cones are a tan-brown, and considered to be some of the smallest evergreen cones. Hemlocks are not drought tolerant, and appreciate watering during these times, especially when young. Plant in a location that is protected from strong, drying winds. Mature hemlocks have thick, ridged bark in red-brown to gray-brown colors. This hemlock is not poisonous.
Attracts: Birds; host for the larval Columbia silkmoth
Other Names: Canadian Hemlock