Viburnum Arrowwood Chicago Lustre

#3 Viburnum Arrowwood Chicago Lustre

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Latin Name: Viburnum dentatum 'Synnestvedt'

Height: 10 - 12 feet

Spread: 8 - 10 feet

Sunlight: Full Sun; Part Sun; Part Shade

Bloom Time: May to June

Hardiness Zone: 3-9


Chicago Lustre Viburnum makes a great hedge plant option. This nativar has creamy white spring flowers that, if pollinated, will give way to blue-black berries in fall. To achieve these berries, another variety, such as Blue Muffin, is required to be planted close by. Pruning will reduce fruit production, so avoid if berries are wanted. Otherwise, pruning should occur shortly after flowering finishes. Chicago Lustre has yellow to burgundy fall color.

Attracts: Bees; Butterflies; Birds

Other Names: Arrow Wood Viburnum